
dinsdag 2 mei 2023

Lord Ipsqueeck's Adventures: a weekend to Lommerbergen

 Hear ya, hear ya my followers, for I am back once again from a nice holiday trip!

Mommy and daddy suprised me by taking me a bungalow resort of Landal, namely Lommerbergen nearby Roermond in The Netherlands!

And not only that, they had a special vacation house with a room completely made for little tornado's like myself.  Though I better not hear that out loud!  I checked the room thoroughly of course, making sure my bed was in order and all!

I of course inspected the rest of the bungalow as well, making sure I had a good spot for watching my regular television shows and all.

On the first day, we went to the huge Park Plaza, where they even have an indoor slide in the cafe.  Here I tried to see if you could also get up the way you came down, because short cuts are always less tiring.

After that, we went for a swim.  Even though there was a bit of a waiting line, I entertained the masses by doing my cute wiggle dance!  And they where feeding some big goldfishies as we went there, those sure are impressive!

Swimming sure is tiring, and a good nap in my big bed was required after that.

In the afternoon, it was time to go to the farm.  Here they had all sorts of animals, like this cute pig, or that majectic peacock who showed off his huge tail specially for me.

Okay, though some of those beasts did lack public manners I say!

We then visited the big dragon themed playground, located on an island in the park!

During the evening, we went to see a local superstar, DJ Rogier Avonturier, and boy, was he funny.  Mommy said I was a good boy, as first we went for a pizza (and panne for me) and I played quietly with my animals and did some colouring.

On the second day, we went for walk to the nearby stables, though that one flower sure must feel lonely in the whole field if you ask me.

At the stables, I met Annabelle, a cute little pony that was going to teach me how I should ride like a true Rohirrim!

So together with mommy and daddy I rode along the grasslands, and it sure was a relaxing and fun experience.

In the afternoon, we went for another swim first, before trying out some more of the playgrounds all around the park.

For the evening, we went for french fries, I love those!  Just a drink then left for mommy and daddy, where I found a cozy position in my stroller, as daddy tried another one of his7 discoveries.

And so the holiday ended, as I took my seat in our iron horse and returned back home.  Thanks mommy and daddy, I really enjoyed it and as I understand, we are going back in august to a park like this, I can`t wait!

Until my next journey report!

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