
zaterdag 6 mei 2023

On the Painting Desk 231

 So Warhammer 40k 10th edition has been announced last month at Adepticon.

And that is sooner then me completing the army I began painting when 9th edition was announced...

So people wonder why I don`t want to go along the GW rat-race of rulesets anymore, who are changing faster then I am putting on fresh socks.

But never the less, I am working on, and nearly finishing, the last battlesuit of the first 1000 points for my Tau Gundam force, it's just this Broadside to finish and then his two accompanying drones.

Talking the Chaos Dwarf force, work has been progressing on that level, as I have been completely assembling the Citadel Guard, but double trays will be needed to line those guys up with their long barrels.

as well as started painting on the levy archers, a unit I want to finish by the end of the month.

So that is some very strong progress, and hopefully I can keep this rate up in order to get the army ready for the 29th of october.

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