
zaterdag 13 mei 2023

On the Painting Desk 232

 Hehe, so finally that last battlesuit to make the first 1.000 points is in the stage of just basing, together with it's accompanying drones.

To bad the force won't ever see play as 9th ends this summer and 10 arrives, throwing everything once again on it's head.

Oh well, at least the force looks nice on the shelf, I`ll do an overview post in the near future as such.
So that means it's time to move to other venues, and that is assembling and painting the Infernal Dwarf army for the tournament end of october.  This means I'll need to complete a unit of at least 20 figures per month, and as such I have been glueing away recently.

The first unit I`m working are the rest of the Archer levies, to complement the few already done in the colourscheme test of a few weeks ago.  Progress on them is going very smooth, and with some luck I might be varnishing and base preparing them by the end of the week.
Also, the Prophet, who will support my force with some fireballs, has been put together and will be started on during the coming week.
So that will be a lot to do still this week, before kicking into high gear to paint them up! In the meantime, once I can get to the store for some fresh packs of superglue, I`ll be clipping of the slots of more levies, this time for a big unit of 30 armed "normally" to create a juicy block to threaten enemy flanks.

All that remains now is mail order the last models needed for the tournament itself then...

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