
vrijdag 19 mei 2023

On the Painting Desk 233

 More Chaos Dwarfs of course this week, and the painting has begun on the first real regiment instead of the levies rabble!

Who you will see again soon, as they are only basing away from being finished...

But I have also been assembling the Citadel Guard regiment, one of the two Dawi'Zharr troop units that will form the "anchor" of my force.  Now, these are cool miniatures, but a nightmare to line up.  I guess I`m going to take two movement trays of 10x1 and put those behind each other, the slight gap making sure they DO line up with the long fireglaive barrels... and probably order another unit to put on round bases for AoS because it are nice models.  

The batch I assembled now though have been nearly undercoated while working on the archers, so I can dig right in when those are nearing completion.
For Hashut!

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