
vrijdag 7 juli 2023

Spring Fantasy Anime League 2023 result

 So we where back at trying to predict the anime's of the spring 2023 season, and after the solid fall 2022 result I aimed to get back in the top 50%.

With a selection of mostly isekai alongside The Witch from Mercury (because, Gundam), and high hopes for the Megumin spinn off from Kono Suba, let's see how it went!
The Witch was cycled in from the bench on the beginning of the second week as it didn`t air in the first week, replacing Smartphone as this was my lowest performer of the opening week.   

So how did my picked choices do?

Kono Suba Megumin: Of all the restricted entries, she ended in the middle, on spot 5.
Over The Moon for You: Solid but sadly the lowest of the restricted animes this season, resulting in a 8th place
The Witch from Mercury: underperformed, yet didn`t, ending on spot 12 this season, picking up serious momentum in the second half of the season.
Dead Mount Death Play: Doing better then expected, it came in at the 13th place this season.
Trapped in Another World with my Smartphone: Very fluxuating, it gave some points before going on the bench and resulting in a 25th spot
My Home Hero: It started good, but dropped of near the end of the league, coming in at 20th place
One Turn Kill Sister: granted me a few points in the beginning before going to the bench, ending on spot 36
Birdie: she switched in with my Wild Card extra swap in the last week for My Home Hero, ending in the rankings on spot 24.

And my progress over the competition weeks went like this:

Week 1: 151055 pts, 4219th place
Week 2: 296395 pts, 23697th place
Week 3: 358945 pts, 22827th place
Week 4: 769510 pts, 24872th place
Week 5: 999193 pts, 26473th place
Week 6: 1127475 pts, 27567th place
Week 7: 1432259 pts, 28398th place
Week 8: 1509710 pts, 28715th place
Week 9: 1751680 pts, 30180th place
Week 10: 2106080 pts, 28700th place
Week 11: 2208367 pts, 29700th place
Week 12: 2443596 pts, 30321th place
Week 13: 2985309 pts, 30222th place

So that's the track record, resulting in 30.222th place, or the top 84% with 2.985.309 points.

Honestly, I know where it went sour.  Not having the break out hit Oshi no Ko (by week 9, that anime alone had more points then my complete total at the time), and the fact the Witch league wise underpreformed compared to season 1 (strolling around place 14 only compared to being a top 3 in Fall 22 most of the time), and that she was on that difficult slot of sunday afternoon, missing often the bonus points marks as a result.  My mistake, but I refuse NOT to take a mecha show in my main line!  But it also didn`t help for both Death Play and Over the Moon always staying just onder the 80k viewers, meaning I barely could use my aces until week 9 with the Witch, and having two others go to waste as a result.  That's 150.000 points unable to be used...

So not that great, but Summer contest, which is new, started immediatly after.  Let's see if we can redeem ourselves a bit...

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