
dinsdag 8 augustus 2023


 And the backlog work-away during painting sessions continues, now with the 6-episode counting series Moonhaven.

Dystopian sci-fi, so let's see how this unfolds for my tastes, as I`m usually not into that sort of sci-fi form.  Bar Blade Runner, but that is cult classic stuff...
Well, at least is has Merry in it... and a pretty awesome opening on how (part of) the Moon has been terraformed.  Earth is dying, and three generations later of the first settlers on the moon, a colony has been established that teaches the ways of saving Earth thanks to an AI called IO.  

One of the supply run pilots, Bella Sway, finds her there when a murder has happened.  This turns out to be her supposed sister, and together with the local detectives Paul and Arlo she must look into this case.  When she is attacked aboard her ship by the envoy's bodyguard Tomm, it turns out there is more happening on Lune then meets the eye.

The younger generation, who is the first wave to return to Earth, isn`t all convinced the Bridge is a good idea, and they fear they will be killed when they arrive on Earth.  To that end, they try to sabotage the project and make Lune independant and on itself.  Maite, the council chair and defacto ruler of Lune, is about to be removed when she threatens the envoy of revealing what has been transpiring, which could destabilise the whole project.

As Bella and Paul investigate deeper, they find it is a whole conspiracy, learning from a hologram of her murdered sister that the Bridge must be stopped at all costs, and that Earth was never meant to be saved. As Bella confesses the events to the Envoy, and that she is in truth hired to smuggle Singer, a drug fabricated on the moon.   

When Maite refuses in a session with the Envoy to allow the Earth ships to land in Lune's atmosphere, this causes chaos in the council.  Arlo's investigation leads to the discovery of a Compass rose, and a healed Tomm tries to take it from him.  Maite and Bella have a talk in Bella's mother old house, with Maite hinting that on the failed old colony site of Primo, now a wilderness, contact has been made with an alien life form years ago, and that her mother isn't dead but has returned to them.

The envoy asks to kill Maite, so that her IO key would transfer to her second and together they can then land the ships.  Together with Paul she heads out to a crater, of which she saw a drawing at her mother's house, and believe Maite went there.  In the meantime, Arlo arrives at the place the compass rose leads too, a place that contains a forgotten weakness of the Mooners.  They find a dead tree that suddenly starts glowing, and it reveals the bloodlines of those living on the moon, information only IO should possess.  But Tomm and his group arrive, shooting most of Arlo's team down in order to destroy the tree and allow a new generation to claim Moonhaven.

Paul and Bella wake up in the woods, finding Maite looking at them and asking them to follow.  When she reveals to bella that she kept her mother on the moon while she wanted to return to Earth, Bella attacks her, causing Maite to throw herself of a cliff.  Blu, Arlo's apprentice, arrives telling them the others where attacked and killed.  They notice the Earth ships are landing, which would mean Maite is dead as well.

As Paul goes to look for Arlo, he finds him alive, seemingly saved by IO, and they agree the tree needs to be hidden from the other Mooners.  With the bloodlines now known, this would mean the collapse of Moonhaven and the project.  But in the meantime, the First Wave is preparing to leave to Earth, and the envoy will say and do anything to save Earth, going as far as lying and covering events up.  Bella learns from Tomm thatb the envoy is rounding up his army, and he believes the Mooners will revolt in any case, no matter what the envoy says.  

At the tree, they block it off with the officers to give people time to think about the choice they can make.  Maite didn`t die as she returns, but as she fell outside IO's juristiction she lost control of her key.  With the First wave now en route back to Earth, Tomm claims everyone is now trapped on the moon.  With no way to reach the First wave, they learn it is the intention that once they land they will be ambushed and killed as the landing spots have been leaked.  Using her connections as a smuggler, Bella tries to get a message to the ships, and it succeeds as the ships are diverting from their planned landing courses.  Tomm and his army try to stop it, but as they fail he is confronted and told the plan fell apart.  

Bella decides to go to Primo and find Maite, seeing if she has found something that can stabilise the turmoil on Lune.... and then unfortunatly the season ends.  

Now, this wasn`t a bad series at all, an original story, not to full of itself, and it was announced that a second season would be made, only to have AMC+ recall that decision some months later sadly. 

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