
donderdag 4 januari 2024

Warmuster volume 1

 Kicking of this year's goal of finally reading all those PDF magazines I collected over the years, wether they are official magazines, e-zines, digital scans of old magazines or beloved of all, Fanzines, the first one is Warmuster, an e-zine for the Warmaster game.

Released back in the summer of 2009, this magazine was created with the aid of the Warmaster playtester group, many of them still working on the lovely 10mm game through Warmaster Revolutions website.

Counting 17 pages, this e-zine starts of with an editiorial, telling on how the magazine came to be, and what the goals are.  

But the first article is already a great one, as it details on how to model the various fantasy armies, starting with the Dogs of War.  Garth Bragg converted this colourfull army, and how he created various famous regiments of renown for his force.  The next force we see is an Ogre Kingdoms one, sculpted around the Warmaster Ogres and BOFA Trolls as main sources.

Moving on, we get the mystical army of Albion, which in the main lore at the time was mostly known as a single Dogs of War giants unit and two characters with a felbeast from a summer campaign booklet, so it is always cool to see a force totally imagined by it's creator.

The other forces are tackled as well in this first volume, including even the Chaos Dwarfs, as many armies where not available 15 years ago.  Now, with the advent of 3d printing, companies like Forest Dragon bring out excellent models that make the game far more accessible to people though.

But in 2009, you got this nice little e-zine that just told you how to build it all for yourself!

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