
zondag 14 januari 2024

Winter Fantasy Anime League 2024

 So, after the abysmal (well, it actually ended better then I feared) result of the Fall league 2023, we go our chances again for the Winter season.

And this time, with a plan in selecting my anime!

You see, as I looked through the list, there where 3 anime's I want to watch in the coming season.  One of them is in the Restricted section, meaning only 1 from that section can be chosen, one is normal, and one has low expectations and I'm going to put on my bench.

So that means, I am going to just take for the other spots the anime that are expected to be doing the best by anticipated members, only fiddling around a little with the release dates in order to try and score points from the word go!

My restricted choice, Mato Seihei no Slave, immediatly starts airing from the beginning of the season, so that was an easy pick, while the other one I want to see, the second season of Urusei Yatsura only airs in the second week, as such beginning the season on the bench.

The other one I wanted to select is the second season of Synduality Noir, and that is the one I start out on my bench as well.

So now comes the hard part, namely shuffling 4 more actives and 1 bench out of the highest anticipated series to start, and take into account their starting dates.

Dungeon Meshi starts the first week as well, and goes as such immediatly into my actives.  The same goes for the new season of Blue Exorcist.  So for the other I went for Sign of Affection which is a romcom about a hearing impaired girl, and Majo to Yajuu which is a fantasy horror series.  The final bench spot is taken by Hokaido Gals are Adorable, a harem like series judging from the synospis about the gal subculture in Japan, and for some reason I feel this might become a next My Dress-up Darling series.  As that starts only in week 2 though, I've put it as such on my bench.

So all in all, I have a feel this might actually be a team that could net me a top 50% ranking to start the year off, so let's see how it goes!

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