
vrijdag 28 juni 2024

The halfway mark: the 2024 goals update

 So the year comes to the halfway point, meaning it is time to have a look at some of the goals I've set for myself this year on the hobby front.

And behest any miracles, I can already predict some serious failures coming in for the year.

The smaller Chaos Dwarf side projects, being building a 1000 points Warmaster force as well as a 12 points 15mm HOTT force are going to fall by the wayside.  It's the end of June, and I haven't even started shopping for the models, let alone actually painting something of those goals, so that is going to end up sorely.

The same is happening for the 250 models in 28mm heroic scale for the Chaos Dwarf collection.  Due to being busy painting mostly Underworlds (that goal is going well, with 6 warbands painted so far this year even though I keep adding warbands, raising the target ever higher), my Dawi'Zharr aren't receiving to much attention at the moment.  Only a measly 10 models out of the planned 250 are finished. 

On the other hand, I am going to try and aim to finish the Idoneth, though with the release of the 4th edition of Age of Sigmar next month, the points cost of units will be totally different and the Underworlds warbands will fall out of the lists, so I have no clue how many points I currently have, nor what to paint up for the 2000 points goal, so a better estimation on that front will be for the next update end of september.

So that's the painting part done, how about the other stuff?
Well, I can say I am more or less on schedule, perhaps only trailing a bit behind with the backlog anime challenge, having currently viewed 17 out of 85, with a total anime viewing of 28 out of 100 series.  This is mainly due to the fact I have been watching quite some regular series, upping that number to a total of 11 now out of the 20 goal.  The same goes for the movies, now standing at 15 out of 20 after watching some classics recently.

On the reading front, things however aren't going that well. While I did read a couple of manga, the counter now sits at 8 out of the target 25, but of course the holidays are coming and that is a period I often read a lot.

Meaning I might even push the others numbers higher as well, with at the moment 2 out of 10 (rule)books read, and 6 out of 50 fanzines read from the backlog.  The numbers are higher then the first quarter, but not by a lot... yet.

One goal I did reach already though, a bit traditionally by the half year mark, is to discover 50 new beers.  With the beerfestival in Antwerp last week, it broke the target and now sits at 54 beers.  For the side challenge of Date a Bullet cards, some have been added, and now I'm at 9 obtained from the 19 missing cards.

So, that is the status of the half year mark, With the new Final Fantasy expansion soon arriving, I will either be playing and not painting, or get a paint cramp from the many cutscenes and get a lot finished.  

Time will tell, and I will tell you in september!

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