
dinsdag 30 juli 2024

Bringing my Keeper of Secrets to Age of Sigmar 4th edition

 Well, I finished rebasing my old Warhammer 40k Demon Princess, Bar'ba'Rah the Thighchoker, for use in Age of Sigmar.

I did wait a while with doing this until 4th edition came out though, to see what the current basing needs would be, but it remained a 100mm round for a Keeper of Secrets, which is what I will be using this model for.

The model itself was painted almost 5+ years ago, as she led my Emperor's Children in 8th edition, but now will become the X-rated centerpiece for my Hedonists of Slaanesh.  I deliberatly kept her gloss finish, to show her wetness though.

The base itself was as such painted up in the style I want to do all my forces for AoS 4.0 in, to give a bit of unity, with details to be added as seen fit (for example, my Idoneth will have some puddles added) depending the force.

Now to first assemble the Spearhead set for these guys, as I will be joining some friends to try those rules out, though I doubt I'll have figures assembled by then, let alone painted.  But it is a solid base to get the Slaanesh to 2000 points (she costs 400 by herself) and join some low level events to get a hang of the game.

Now, off to the next models to finish!

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