
donderdag 4 juli 2024

Warhammer Underworlds casual evening: Granddaddy Aggro comes to the Party

 It has been a few weeks, but at last I managed to get a game evening in for some Underworlds!

And I brought a Nemesis format warband of the good old days: Granddaddy Aggro himself, or Garrek's Reavers, a warband from the very first starter box of the game.

Coupled with Breakneck Slaughter, I wanted to see just how well these aggressive fanatics could hold up against the modern day warbands.  So with a battleplan resolving around pure ugha-bugha, I literally rushed in to see what they can do before starting to fine-tune the deck and the plan.

Facing me for the first game was Peter with Lady Harrow's Mournflight, boosted by the Malevolent Masks deck.  

We set up the boards, drew our cards and off we went as a bloodfilled roar sounded over the table.

Saek thundered forward, wielding his massive axe and boosted for extra dice took down one of the ghostly ladies, Widow Caitha, immediatly.  But he himself was in turn taken down as the Lady Harrow drifted into combat, quickly dispatching the raging berserker.


As Garrek approached the battle, Arnulf thundered past to have a poke at the enemy leader, lightly wounding her, before he was taken down as well, causing the remainder of the warband to inspire.

The first round ended with 4-4 on the table, and the Reavers ready to cause some mayhem.

A boosted Karsus engaged Lady Harrow and the Screaming Maiden with his scything axe, but missed both attacks.  This was the break point for me, he could have taken out both, but instead missed everything.

Moments later, the ghostly ladies took down the crazed warrior, and my chances of victory where miffled.

As Garrek was also dispatched, it was down to poor little Targor to salvage the situation as we finished round two, the Reavers tailing 10-5 behind.

A whole heap of cards, which gave him 6 momentum counters to boot, transformed him into a frothing, maddened nutcase who raced over the whole board to get to Lady Harrow...

... and took her down, before this poor 2 wound bloke was taken out as well (and failed the reborn roll), resulting in an 18-9 victory for the Mournflight.

The second game was against the other Peter, who brought the Rimewyrm empowered Cyreni's Razors to the table.  

In an opportunic strike, boosted by a devastating charge, Saek thundered forward again, immediatly taking out Cyreni who had only managed to do a single Hammertide.

But like in the first game, he was soon dispatched as well, so I am going to have to work on the timing with him, but this was to big a chance to pass over.  I know what Cyreni can do, as I'm tinkering on a deck for her myself for future tournaments (because, Idoneth), so she had to go as soon as possible.
The rest of the Reavers advanced, not able to reach anything and preventing me the objectives for making three attacks unfortunatly, and a 4-3 lead for the Idoneth on the board.

Beginning the second turn, Arnulf assassinated the already injured Renglaith, but Cephanyr took him down shortly after.

Targor charged the huge squid, but failed miserably before he was also strangled by the beast, and putting a 12-9 lead for the Idoneth on the table, even though Garrek took down Alathyrr, scoring double glory thanks to his upgrade.

This left a duel between berserker and octopus on the table, and I started to move around, hoping Peter wouldn't score big and obtain all my objectives in the end phase myself as I wouldn't be able to take down the squid in one charge.

After some dancing and skating around, I did score the 4 points I had on hand, but unfortunatly Peter also had 4 in hand, so after a very uneventfull fourth turn, the Idoneth won 16-13.

So, that's two smackerings for Granddaddy Aggro tonight, but I did pick up some very intresting ideas.  Sacrifice Arnulf and Targor early on, with any damage they might do a bonus, for the inspiring, and hold Saek perhaps back just a little longer before unleashing him on the enemy.  Surely, he did two alpha strikes with success, but never himself lived longer then his first activation.  Deckwise, I will be doing some minor tweaking, albeit I love the combo effect I concocted to turn someone in a charging bull to great suprise of the opponent though.

Well, time to tune and play some more with these guys, before beginning the preparation road for the next tournament, somewhere in november normally!


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