
woensdag 14 augustus 2024

On Tour to the Frituur part 6: Frituur Station in Nijvel

 A while ago, we had an Age of Sigmar Spearhead try-out at a friend's place in Nijlen.

And when 4 grown men decide what to eat... we are off to the frituur!

Located at the Statieplein 2 in Nijlen, this little cabin stands outside the, you guessed it, station of Nijlen.  So we braved the local grassfield and dropped in for a huge order of four hungry men, after a whole day of gaming, and then returning to Philip's place to voraciously devour the food.

My Order


Well, it was part of a big 40+ euro order, but mine consisted of a large pack with spices, a cervela special, a pot of their own made stoofvlees (with beer!) and a pot of their home-made tartare sauce.  Only to find out upon return they forget to add the "speciaal" to my sausage (a mix of ketchup, mayonaise and raw onion btw).  That wasn't the only thing they forgot, but that wasn't part of my order piece.  I paid 14.60 for the whole lot, so that is the average price these days for this amount of fast food.

The venue has some small tables outside, but as I said, we went back to the headquarters for eating, so that is not that relevant for this review.  The people behind the counter are friendly, though it feeled like they where a bit overwhelmed during a bit of a rushmoment in people coming to get fries and stuff.

The food itself was okay.  The stew was great, the tartare sauce well made, but I wasn't to wild about the cervela, baked to dry, and the fries themselves.  They just had that little moment of "to long" for my taste.


Not the greatest of frituur's I've visited for this series, though their stoofvlees is highly recommended.  But all in all I'm settling on a 5 for this visit.

So that's another episode of the series, now where will the road, and my nose, take me next?

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