
donderdag 1 augustus 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Casual Gamenight: The Prophecy of the Court

 Time for an ultrafast battle report, as with the place all for myself, I can actually type this fresh from arriving back from the Outpost after another casual gamenight of Warhammer Underworlds.

And with 6 players present, we had a nice selection of warbands on the table, some with Rivals and some with Nemesis decks.  I myself brought my Crimson Court for more finetuning with the Paths of Prophecy deck in Nemesis format... and ended up facing two Rivals decks.

The first game was against Nico, who brought Mollog's Mob (2nd edition) to the table.  My plan was to play on the objectives, hitting one or two of the smaller critters left and right, but generally avoiding the big guy and weather any punches he threw.

I deployed deep, and with a ploy immediatly doubled the hunger counters on my models, meaning I would have a bunch of bloodthirsty Vampires going into round 2.  

Gorath was targetted by the enemy, but he quickly choose to withdraw as Prince Duvall and Ennais moved in, taking down the Batsquig, inspiring my leader.

With Vellas securing an objective, the first round ended on a 3-2 lead for the Court.

In the second turn, Prince Duvall went after the Spiteshroom, but it defended itself succesfully.

Ennais in the meantime was beset by the huge brute, but he survived to occupy objective number 2, and the Court scored sime more, taking an 8-3 lead now.

Vellas brought down the shroom, only to have it spawn again a bit further from the voltron-ned vampire babe. 

With Mollog not being able to focus his attacks, the vampires started grabbing more and more points by moving around him and generally ignoring him.  If we didn't attack him, he wouldn't inspire and be unable to take one of mine down in a single blow.


Surrounded and unable to stop the lords of the night, the Court scored a convincing 13-4 victory.

The second game brought Wouter and his Thricefold Discord to the table.  With both setting up deeply, we knew this wouldn't be an aggressive game, and I just needed to keep him guessing which objectives where my targets.

Soon small fights broke out, but the demons dodged and critically saved themselves from harm all the time, the first round ending on 1-1 in points.

 During the second round, Ennais was cast down, which was a bit of a bummer for my plans as he was now at move 6 and would be great for last activation dashes to objectives.  

A scything Vellas threw herself amongst the demons, and while she hit with crits... which due to her Vampiric Might would mean 4 damage, the demons somehow kept saving on crits and no damage was dealt.

Duvalle took down Lascivyr, but as Ennais had already fallen I couldn't score the Crimson Hunt this turn.


In return, Vashtiss cast him down as well, the wizard he/she becoming a problem for my Vampires as it was now 2 against 2... and a 3-3 score on the board to go into the final round.

In that round, Vellas got to scythe again, rolling at least one crit against each (again, the 4 damage would actually have killed both of the Slaaneshi), but Wouter once again critically saved both and instead no damage was done.

Gorath was lured closer, but survived Vexmor's attack and Vashtiss spells.

Only to run off at the last moment and sneak onto objective 5, scoring me that one.  But alas, a surge in the last activation and a good draw for the end phase made Wouter score 6 glory points in total, compared to my 5.  

A very low score in a tactically challenging game, but the Court is getting the hang of the deck, and to be honest this was down to his amazing saving throws or it would have been a very, very different result indeed.

So, one up and one down in the further tuning of the Prophecy Court as I came to call them, that's a decent result and slowly but surely I'm getting the in's and out's of piloting this band with this deck.  I guess my choise for a big tournament in november has been made!

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