
maandag 30 september 2024

Spellcaster issue 3

 Time for some more Frostgrave goodness by the writer, Joseph A. McCullough, in the third issue of Spellcaster.

And that can still be picked up in PDF format over at DriveThru for example.

This time counting 60 pages, the cover tells us the Rangifer is about to make it's return.  This beast, first appearing in Thaw of the Lich Lord, is an undead hating human-reindeer hybrid.  It first looks at their society and why they enter the frozen city for their own goals.

You can create a whole warband of these magnificent creatures now, lead by a Shaman, using the rules presented in the issue.  It even comes with their own personal treasure table and all, as well as a solo campaign for the Rangifer's, Eternal Rest.

In the second article, Friends in Low Places, it tackles those motivated by pure financial gains instead of mystical knowledge.  This means your wizard can gain underworld favours, but these as always come at a price.  

There is a review of the second novel about the setting (I should really see to get these books, they look like a fun read), Oathgold, including a short story by Matt Ward (yeah, that guy from GW).  

Next is an auctioning system that you can include in your Frostgrave campaigns, to get magical items in a bidding war with other warbands.

Ulterior Motives in Ghost Archipelago is an article about how the crews might have other goals apart from finding the Crystal Pool and the cards to use these in your games.

Finally we get a preview at the next (and excellent) game system in development: Rangers of Shadow Deep.  Which reminds me I should really make work of setting up a new campaign for that system and solo around with a Chaos Dwarf inspired warband sometime.

And that is it for yet another fun magazine in what have become some of my favorite games of the past years.

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