
donderdag 9 oktober 2014

Inspirational Lego day 4: the current day

We had dragons and we had spaceships so far in this series, but for today we are going to take a stroll along popular current day builds.

Wether this be regular life, movies, superheroes... you know the drill, it *could* happen around the place where you actually live.

Tien An Men

Perhaps together with the Challenger explosion, this is THE image branded on my lenses since I was a child.  It happened in in june 1989, I was 10 back then, when the students protests for more democracy was smashed apart by tanks and assault rifles in Beijing.  Now, 25 years later, I still think the guy standing in front of the tanks is one real life super hero...  Creepingly enough, a few weeks camera images showed up of the guy calmly drinking a coffee, then standing up and slowly walking to where the tanks would come, it send chivers down my spine...

Electric Guitar

Completely build out of technic parts, this is one nice looking Yamaha

The Cathedral

One of the most iconic buildings in the United Kingdom, this big build comes complete with incredible leadglass windows and a very lovely clock in the tower.


Printed unto bricks, this is a great looking comic page in the style of the upcoming next month DC comics (Marvel already had a run of Lego-ised covers a few years ago)

Buffalo Bill

The popular entertainer, he and his posse accompany a very good looking set of brick build Buffalo`s

Volkswagen Beetle

In the style of the recently released Mini Cooper and Camper Van, this is a fine looking iconic car build.

Friends villages

The Friends range isn`t loved by everyone out there, though I find it a great source for parts.  This is one mighty build if you ask me, with lots of small things going on just like in everyday life. 

The second one also has this features, with it`s vacation park style of residences

Bonsai tree

It looks gorgeous, and requires less maintenance then a real one...

Winter Village Stand

Another one from one of my favorite MOCPages creators, he tends to make all these small vignettes of early 20th century style, snowy settings.  I so love his work, it`s simple yet very effective and eye catching.

Gravity Falls

Currently running on Lego Ideas, this set is hopefully reaching the 10k mark.

Out camping

Rafting, a barbeque... what more do you want when out on a camping trip

Jack the Ripper

Apparently, almost 150 years after date, they seem to have finally solved the mystery of who was killing the prostitutes in the Whitechapel area...

The Doom of The Flash

I saw the new CW series premiere yesterday and love it, that is a series I`m definitly going to follow...


This is a very good looking build of the classic fighter plane!

Protecting Gotham

A very atmospheric microscale build, and clever camera angle

The Legend of Zorro

Who of my generation or the one before didn`t grow up with the adventures of Don Alejandro de la Vega?  I pity the current one, relegated to Hannah Montana...


The ECTO-1 Ideas set proved to be a serious hit, so needless to say a lot of builds have been appearing around the theme, like the haunted house and the iconic Marshmallow Man...

Malaysian Bullock Carts

I love the curve of the roof on the right one, these carts are still in use in rural Malaysia these days.


The lead player of a series of children`s book, the build is just as cute as the character drawings in the books.

City Life in Hobart

Relaxing in the warm weather in a refreshing fountain, how sweet is that.

Afterwards, you can get some shade under the trees of the park.

Before you take the car to go home

St Rafael Monastery

Well captured including it`s waterside location.

So that takes us around our trip of the more current day settings for MOC builds.  For the finale tomorrow, I`m going to do something special, so keep your eyes peeled!


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