
vrijdag 23 januari 2015

Inspirational Lego 4: Tolkien`s Middle Earth

The MELO second round has been finished and the 16 survivors of the knock out contest announced.  With round 2 having had it`s themes focussed on characters from The Hobbit trilogy, a lot of great eye candy had once more been shown.

The second round was based on a knock out sytem, in which all the contestants battled it out in a face-to-face duel, or build off.

So here are all the entries, and in BOLD the builders that won their face off and advanced to the next round.

Captain Nemo vs Ian Diller - Bilbo

J-Rod Smith vs Finn Tegotash - Smaug

The Dunedain98 vs Thomas - Thorin

Mark McPeek vs John Smith - Balin

Zoltan K vs Graham Gidman - Fili

Dodge vs Mica the Fire-Breathing Hobbit - Beorn

Kevin Moyer vs Tim W - Bofur

Graeme Straughn vs Mate Patton - Ori

Pieter Dennison vs Zach Lucia - Gandalf

Andrew JN vs Hildigrim Took - Bard

ForlonEmpire vs Brick Madness - Bombur

Vladimir van Hoek vs Caleb Walker - Dwalin

Jake Andrews vs Trevor Turco - Kili

P Andrei vs Bane of Seaguls - Bifur

Professor B vs Jacob Pennington - Gloin

A Sargent vs Joseph Olson - Dori

For the third round, the themes are set to be focussing on the members of the Fellowship of the Ring, with the deadline set on the 2nd of february.

Now, as with any knock out round, there are some calls you don`t agree on, there are `favs` you see going down unexpectently... and I would hate to have been the judge on some duels like Beorn or Bifur!

And I will be back with more MELO goodness inspirations when round 3 ends, in the mean time, Namarie!

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