
vrijdag 27 februari 2015

The first month... and StarCom

Huge celebrations with only myself in attendance this morning, as I quit my unhealthy habbit now for exactly one month!


But this has also hit me with a sort of nostalgia.  Recently, I have been watching and rewatching the ones I already saw, episodes of Toy Hunter.

Basically, Jordan Hembrough, is a guy who runs a (vintage) toy store and goes to seek out collections to buy up and sell at fairs, and make a nice dollar out of it.  He, and his business model even more so, has always been a sort of a `grown man` hero of mine (okay, so is Hugh Heffner), but if you look through second hand websites in Belgium...

... you realise this is way to silly to even try and implement it over here and do something like that.  Not only are we small, we have a limited number of sortlike events, but also, people just ask WAY to much for old, half smashed toys.  He is also coming to Antwerp Convention this year, and I`m going to try and get a chitchat in with him!

For example, 10 euros for an old beat up, weaponless Star Wars figure is no exception, i don`t know what exactly they try and gain from them, but I think a lot of them will die with their collection in their garages still.

That said though, the show did respark one pure nostalgic feeling for myself: StarCom.  Being a product of the 80s, I watched a lot of cartoons whom where actually created to support toylines.  And StarCom, with it`s powered functions and magnetic locking figures, always has been one of my favorites.

Now, an odd fact was that this series, sub titled the US Space Command, was actually far more popular overhere in Europe then it was in the States, a bit like the old 80s anime cartoons and toys.  Now this also means, the chances are real I might find some things left or right to rekindle my collection again.

I really want to re-own a working, nearly mint condition Starmax Bomber again with Dash Derringer to pilot it...

So I am going to spend time again trailing along used goods store, yard sales, and the likes to try and find the stuff, and when I find some other great items, I`ll be most definitly be showing them off and sharing them with you guys as well!

But now, I`m off to go drool some more over my catalogues of 80s figures... and cry at those I once had...

1 opmerking:

  1. Ahh I remember this! Gonna rewatch it, was looking for an good show form my youth
