
zondag 21 februari 2016

The Haul Report #17

Another week has past by, and it has been one filled with a great amount of exchanges, splattered with some small BrickLink orders.

But also with something I got past friday, a lovely gift for Valentine`s from Chu.  The latest of the Lego building books, which features some very intresting things for my future Pirates city, like cabbage fields.

Don`t ask, I just want another sort of plantation then all the cotton and sugar ones popping out currently...

On the trade level, I did some good deals.  I had dug up some old Space baseplates (the ones with the yellow roads on them) and only minutes after putting them in my for trade album on Facebook I managed to trade them already :-)

With Christophe, the same person I traded the Armada ship with a few weeks ago, I could get my hands on a new heap or redcoats and pirates figures, combined with whatever he had left in the range like sloops, monkeys, swords, the Pirates buildmaster book as an additional suprise aka `packing material`, great exchange.

The second trade I did was with another BeLUG member, Yuthana, whom I exchanged some superhero and star wars figures with (both useless to me anyways) for a nice mixed batch of various things.  Harry Potter figs for my Expelliarmus moc, Ninjago poly`s for the pirate fig, the Nexo bike, and some more handy minifigures.

Through various Facebook groups I also managed to get some little purchases in.  The first are these two crewmen for my ships and a shako for 2 euro and a stamp, always usefull.

While the second was this series of 2 sealed (for future trading) and 3 opened (for the parts after building them up once) sets from various lines, at 2 euro a set.  Not to shabby even with the Kiala shipping included.

From BrickLink, I got two little purchases in.  The first was a small set of two leg pieces from South Africa, to work on the `shared minifigures` me and another Eurobricks member will be using in a collab in march.  The second one contained grey bricks with wall patterns (I hadn`t stumbled on enough of mine during the huge sort out yet) for my Quinnsville quay wall, and some small 1x1 tiles Dark Blue for the Expelliarmus moc (yep, that one again, it`s `next in line`) and modified bricks for my 12 pounder cannons batteries I`m building up for the Pendragon (the frigate I showed WiP pictures from yesterday).

I also did my regular tour here of second hand shops and the likes, but didn`t find any Lego or cool toys.  I did find some cheap movies to watch while sorting and building (yeah, I know Thunderbirds is bad, but it was only a euro), as well as a book about my home city of Antwerp and her ports around the 16th century, containing nice drawings of merchant sailing ships and the docks in that period.

The final `haul` this week is the only `new` Lego I bought myself, and that is the newest issues of the Chima magazine (I lacked a brown bear head actually in my collection) and the Star Wars magazine (the Falcon has a nice part selection).

Quite an extensive list this week, and mostly aimed towards finishing my Quinssville build first and get work done on some future projects for the summer `events` season.  So I`m rather proud of myself that there hasn`t actually been any impulse buys this time round :-)

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