
woensdag 22 juni 2016

Inspirational Lego # 75

While I`m sorting through my pictures and thinking up the text for my Billund trip, I`m first going to give the weekly selection of great finds on the internet.

I`m totally knackered to be honest and still recuperating, but that`s the price you pay for a great weekend after all.

Siercon and Coral are a well known couple within the AFOL community, and we kick off the week with their fantastic abbey.

This build of Benny`s Spaceship has been streamlining the original to great effect.

A whole lot of classic 70s and 80s television vehicles, in a larger then minifigure scale.  I think Blue Thunder is the favorite of the lot for me.

A great looking, colourful Friends street layout.

Accidents happen, though you don`t want to have your water getting lost in the desert.

A mighty looking build from Andormeda`s Gates, the blue head crystals caught my `idea to borrow` eye.

This build is from a series that was popular in the 70s, and while I did watch it on re-run it`s not my thing as a television program, but do I love this western build!

An artistic take on little red riding hood...

A lone traveller arrives at a guard tower in the Guilds of Historica.

And we end the selection by boldly going to look for more material for next week`s episode :-)

See you all next time!

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