
zondag 28 mei 2017

Build Report: 30116 Rapunzel's Market Visit

In today's build report, I'm tackling a 2014 polybag from the Disney Princesses series.

This was a promotional set back then that you received if you spend 30 euro or something at "mini-doll" ranges (Friends, Princesses as Elves and DC didn`t exist yet).

The polybag, which contains one figure with the titular character, also contains the the instruction leaflet and about 30 pieces to make the stall.

The Rapunzel doll is nicely executed, and it wasn`t long before her long blond braid hair piece was used in a moc ;-)

The stall begins life as a 2x4 tan plate, to which a connector piece is added to become the towing hook.

As the wheel axles are attached, we place a brown plate on it to make it's "bottom", with bricks and curved pieces for the side.

Merchandise is then placed on this surface.

The sunscreen is then build using a mixture of blue and pink, and raised on pillars on the cart.

Some additional pieces came in this polybag as well.

Adding the wheels, the little set is then completed:

It`s a cute little polybag, and one of the better promotions in my eyes from the last years for sure.

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