
maandag 6 november 2017

Crisis 2017 Show Report

The first Crisis since 2013 I attended, as I came back into the fold of the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp after a 5 year break in membership (2013 I went as a visitor, as I wasn`t a member anymore).

And I enjoyed every minute of it, as it felt like "coming home". 

And as such, here I am with a heap of pictures, silly comments, subjective opinions and other nonsense of what was a great day... but a very tiring two day thing, as of course, the friday there was...

The Build Up

The convention, taking place at Waagnatie, had to be set up of course.  Lots of tables had to be placed in the two halls of the venue, so the TSA members, AND Rick the Flag Dude, tore into this job, resulting in most of the tables being placed by midday.

There was a nice hot bowl of tomato soup for the volunteers

And then the bar was stocked and the bar team, including my lovely partner Noshi, being briefed on what to do for the next day.

The doors open

After helping out the traders that arrived saturday very early morning, and the necessary briefings, the anticipated moment was there: the doors opened and nearly 2000 paying visitors eventually found their way to the event.

It was a constant, steady stream all day long.

The Traders

Of course, with about 100 traders present at the event, there was a huge selection for about everyone.  I met up with a lot of people I "missed" over the past years (and thanks for the discounts blokes, al to kind of you).

 Soon coming to a TSA Necromunda table :-D

 I saw my Kickstarter to come live now, and I love those models

Rick the Flag Dude was the trader who came over all the way from Alabama, so he probably clocked most kilometers to be present.


A nice selection of almost 50 demo games (to bad for a few last minute cancellations) meant a lot of excellent eye candy was on display, to aquire for most people`s tastes.

 A massive, 11 meter long Warhammer battle in full swing

 Tin Soldiers in Action.  Sorry guys I didn`t manage to tape a full game in action, the camera battery died on me and I forgot my insta charger.

 Personally, this was the greatest looking table for my taste.  Love the topic, and I thought it looked mightily impressive

 Gigantic models battle it out in a fight of folktales

 I loved this little scale fantasy game, it was to darn cute :-)

Other Stuff

Of course, there was the catering, providing a fresh drink and a hot bite for everyone in need.

As well as a Bring and Sell.  Considering what a jungle that seemed to be all day, the cages weren`t to badly chosen perhaps hehehe.

The Loot

No convention without Loot of course, and I must say I behaved.  I still am in the process of tallying my stuff, so I avoided impulse buys, bar perhaps one tiny thingie.
 Hancock, ready to lead my division, was obtained at Dave Thomas.  And I picked up the 2014 cup from the TSA merchandising, as I missed out on that one years ago.

 I got around grabbing fresh inlays for my 40k army, as my old ones where all pulled apart from my Lego days.  And got a free magazine to go with it.  The Freebooter`s Fate Don Pavo was the best suited Musketeer like model I found, as I want to turn him into a "Red Mage" from Final Fatasy to go into my Empire army.  And at last I grabbed SAGA dice for my irish.
 Pink and purple dice, because Slaanesh demands it!
 The only impulse buy at 3 euro (Warbases ran a 1 pound is 1 euro rate at the show).  The whole MDF thing is something that emerged in my hiatus period, back then it was just some square bases in the material, but I wanted to see what it is all about.  It`s been glued together already in the meantime, and I must say I like this as a cheap terrain material, so i`m definitly picking up a lot of that stuff next year.
The necessary paints, as well as some brushes from a brand I didn`t now.  Heck, they where a single euro each, so even if they aren`t good for painting, I can still use them for drybrushing and weathering...

Noshi bought some stuff as well, being a new Soda Pop boardgame (which ironically is still on pre-order at their website) and a garage kit anime figure... which I will be assembling before her first foray in painting figures.
 We immediattely tried the game when we got home with her roommate.  Great fun, and rather unpredicatble as right until the final turn I was dead last... only to snatch victory on the final rolls.

It was a fantastic convention, and I probably missed a lot on the pictures of course.  But I also made this walkabout video, lasting about 1 hour, in which I walk around the whole event, trying to catch everything on camera.

And now, onwards to Crisis 2018, which will take place the 3rd of November next year.

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