
donderdag 31 januari 2019

What I Painted in January 2019

Well, Lord of the Rings for the AHPC 9 of course, beginning 2019 as we ended 2018.

But this month, I made some nice progress on finished units, due to two bonus rounds taking place.

The first was Reconnaissance, for which I completed Faramir and 4 of his Rangers.

The second bonus round was Sports, to which end I gave a nice olympic torch twist for the round... and completed 15 Uruk Hai as a result.

But that wasn't all I finished this month, as I managed to actually get a regular entry up in the form of this force of Mordor, containing Mordor Orcs, two of the Nazgul and a big juicy Troll.

I also managed to get Treebeard done, and add some small forests made out of heavily discounted christmas ornaments.

So that brings this month to a lovely 41 models finished, not to bad a start for the new year!

Onwards to February, and more AHPC goodness!

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