
maandag 11 maart 2019

Emperor's Children vs Drukhari 1500 pts Battle Report

Past friday, I took to the field of battle for my second League game, and this time I didnt forget any troops so to claim the League's fully painted bonus hehehe.

My opponent was Steven, long time club member who I've only faced before in fantasy battles.

The Emperor's Children consisted of a warlord in Terminator armour, a sorcerer and a dark apostle, a squad of Marines with 2 flamers, 10 Noise Marines, 2 units of 20 Cultists, 2 Helbrutes, a Predator and a Rapier battery consisting of 2 quad bolters and 1 laser destroyer.

Opposing me where the Kabal, cnsiting of 2 archons, a succubus and a heamonculus.  A raider and a venom both carried kabalite warriors, supported by Mandrakes, Wracks, 2 Talos and a Chronos, Reaver jetbikes, Hellions and Scourges, and a unit with heavy weapons.

The scenario we rolled on was Spoils of War, and so we set up for what will become a very bloody battle.

Turn 1

I went first, and moved some units a bit forward to be sure to camp on some objectives should those cards come out.  I quickly scored first blood by pouring all my firepower into the Raider and the heavy weapons squad.   The Wracks where also almost wiped out, but I couldn't put them down totally so they would be coming back with the stratagem...

And as the Drukhari moved forwards, they did indeed and threw themselves into combat around objective 5.

The rest of the Drukhari force asaulted as well where they could, the Reaver bikes leading the charge.  

So at the end of the first battleround, the score stood 2 - 2

Turn 2

The Venom, who was surrounded by the Cultists, lost his finals wounds this battle, and took as such the passengers with it.  

The Mandrakes in the meantime infiltrated behind my lines and duly charged my Sorcerer, while the Talos, who had lost one to my laser destroyer, advanced over my right flank.

The Succubus and wyches thrown their lot in the melee in the centre as well, putting it all into one big soup, and I admit my Legion trait here did save my force big time.

And so the second turn ended on a 4 - 4 score, and both forces nearly halved...

Turn 3

Time to do some serious damage, and as a result the Dark Apostle and the Sorcerer both disengaged wthout taking additional wounds, but freeing them up for Rapier massacres.

The Wyches where totally annihilated in the combined storm of fire... and so was his warlord.  My last cultist on the right flank, who had remained due to Insane Bravery, suddenly reappeared in a Tide of Traitors in Steven's deployment zone to go and defend objective 3.

With the left flank of the Drukhari totally in gone, my line started to swing and close on his remaining units.

His Succubus charged my warlord... and died to an overwatch meltablast to the face...

The score went now to 6 - 8 and the first small gap in the battle was a fact.

Turn 4

With the forces very decimated, the Drukhari only had some troops left on the far right, and went to try and secure three objectives for his points.  

But not much happened except for me claiming another objective, and going to a 6 - 10 lead now.

Turn 5

In the fifth turn, it was time to try and prevent some points scoring for my opponent, and a crewman of a destroyed rapier charged his haemonculus... funnily enough knocking off a wound before going down himself.

His Talos who, had moved to objective 5 where the Mandrakes had been shot off, was blasted to pieces, so that meant he only had two characters and a Chronos left now...

The score went to 7 - 12 now

Turn 6

The dice rolled and another turn came up.  This was for Steven the dying smack, as the warlord and his entourage took down the Chronos, while the heamonculus was shot to lascannon smudge.  

The only thing he did was moving the Archon behind a building for the moral victory of not being tabled should another turn come...

... and that didn't, so the battle ended.

Adding some points for Linebreaker, and Steven for Precious Cargo, the game ended at 8 - 16.

Which truth to be told, was a far bigger gap then how the battle was flowing.  I must say that for Steven, Emperor's Children with their trait and the slaanesh effects are perhaps the most hated chaos army he can face, as it negates his "must charge early" momentum of his force largely, because if he waits for the turn counter of immune to Morale would come far to late and result in him being blasted to pieces.

But it was a great game, and a very fun opponent with much of laughs being shared around...

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