
woensdag 1 mei 2019

Building a collection of scenery

Well, the past weeks have been a rollercoaster on the level of blogposts, as I have been sharing insights in the future for both my real life as well as my hobby life.

As followers of this little corner of the internet know by now, I bought a new place, and like with everything housing related, our initial cost estimate was... insufficient hehehe.

Well, not really in a way of what we would need to freshen the place up, but as you go to stores and look around, something fancier always catches your eye, but as fancy goes up, so does the price tag.

And that brings us to the point where I'll be not only be taking benefit of finally bringing order in my stack when moving places, but also the decision to part with a lot of the collection that has either lost my intrest (hello Dark Age Irish), frustrates me to much to really enjoy a game (looking at you 40k) or just won't come round to in the foreseeable future to not only paint, but also game with (yeah, you Age of Sigmar).  Couple this with the shared liking of my Noshi for the Tolkien world, and the decision was not that hard at all actually.

But there is of course one mainstay we will need to play, and that is a decent scenery collection to battle over, without having to resort to the same three buildings and two sets of trees time and again for our house games.  At the club, large amounts of scenery are present to be used (and a "freshening up" of the present club scenery IS on the agenda) but outside that, it always helps to have some scenery of ones own.

If not only to play at home, once TSA plunges itself back in the tournament running scene, tables will have to be filled and for fantasy it needs a bit of additional sets in order to prepare 20+ tables to game over.  So even if I can provide scenery for 2 - 3 tables, that will be a great additional bonus for the organisers (whom I will be part of as well for the 'logsitics' aka feeding the masses as a board member).

I have my regular printer to help crafting scenery on the one hand, but on the other I'm also looking to smaller MDF stuff to use for this end.  I won't have the capacity to store whole game boards, but that doesn't mean I can't build up a whole collection of houses, wall section and other relevant terrain that can fit in the world of Tolkien.  For example, I'm planning on a japanese style setting as well, due to the fact I can then recreate an "Easterling" table even if I want to, and if (or better, when) the 9th Age tournament takes place, that can serve perfectly as a gaming table as well.

Another excellent bonus in this story is the fact that Noshi loves building and painting scenery, more then painting miniatures.  So for our (fast growing) collection of MESBG, I'm taking the miniature side of things in hand, while she tackles the lands to fight over with our figures.  I guess I will call that "Project Noshi".

She just doesn't know yet what a mountain of work she will be getting hehehe...

As a result, I'm also scouring my webretailers for cheap buildings in MDF, or for promotions and stuff, more then for figures at the time of writing this.  While the whole build and paint project will be in all honesty for the period after we settled in into our place, this also means that I am trying to get a decent stock ready to "explode" into the building of the whole worlds, as a full cabinet will be dedicated to this end.  Just as I'm going to make work already of the trees I bought cheaply on the christmas decoration sale out, and will look at fleamarkets for cd's for a few cents to serve as bases for those and other scenery features, in order to get some stuff still done in the next 6 weeks.

So yes, big plans ahead still, and I will gladly keep you all informed on this page of the progress we make... but now I got to make work of the scenery for the TSA opendoor day after summer vacation, because with the keys of the appartment coming in just 6 weeks probably, that means work in there starts, my hobby time will be gutted, and the table will need to be ready for scenery by then!

Stress?  What stress?

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