
dinsdag 28 april 2020

A pair of Stone / Thatched outbuildings

Bought slightly over a year ago, these plastic kist by Renedra Limited are dirt cheap in purchase, and super in multifunctional use.

And now I painted up the first two, the stone walled variants, for Rangers of Shadow Deep.

They received a basic, "good enough" paintjob to that end, by putting grey for the walls and Vallejo Earth for the roofs as baselayers, then all washed in Army Painter Strong Tone.

Detailing was then added like the doorframes, and the models where ready to be placed on the battlefield after a drybursh Cold Grey for the walls and Cork Brown for the roofs.

Albeit simple (and a bit tricky to assemble) 7 piece kits, these little houses are great value for money and you can`t go far wrong with them...

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