
zondag 14 juni 2020

Regiment de Piemont

The second completed regiment for my French for "The Sun King's Wars", which seems to fall under rules for the War of the Spanish Succession, in 6mm.

The models are once again produced by Baccus 6mm, and are a great joy to paint being that tad more robust then most other brands.

The regiment fought mostly in Italy, where it suffered heavy losses at the siege of Turin, and then send to Flanders near Oudenaarde.  Here it actually fought on the side of the Picardy regiment I already finished during the AHPC.

Now, painting these little chaps is fun in that you can do a base colour, then wash them with Army Painter Strong Tone, before touching up details and use Vallejo Sky Grey for brightening the uniform jackets.

Though compared to popular belief, painting a block of 24 of these tiny fellows takes about as long as painting 5 models in 28mm for me personally, so it's not that you "fly" thorugh your army.  You just will have the look of an army very fast due to the ranks and the effect that gives on the table.

Now, I hope Baccus will start up again soonish for taking orders, because I have my triggerfinger on a lot of stuff from them, which i planned to buy at the past Crisis show but they couldn`t attend.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Reacties
    1. Thanks, I love how these little ones paint up, the light grey / white makes them really contrast out
