
vrijdag 28 augustus 2020

What I painted in August 2020

Another month, and that means a look back at what got finished in the past weeks.

It has been a good one once again, with a bit of variety but still the main focus on 6mm gaming.

Now, with my technical unemployment due to the Covid-19 pandemic ended, and a relaxing week of holidays, the numbers are of course dropping to more regular ones...

The first model to be finished is the Buster gundam, which while being 1/400 scale is one I'll use like the others in FWC 6mm gaming with the CAV list.

Next up, some more italian infantry was rounded out.

In a bigger scale, the second of three Tau Bodyguard suits was completed, based on the Gunner Zaku.

A bit of small scatter scenery for 28mm was also painted up this month.

So all that means another 37 models have been added to the finished pile this month.

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