
zondag 27 september 2020

The Haul Report 248

 The legendary Bandobaras Took has arrived, one of only two Hobbits in history to ride an actual horse (the other being Frodo... and only in the book) by himself.

And he also invented the game of golf in his finest hour!

So I picked one up from an italian eBay seller for about 5 euro, good deal for my part.

On a printing level, I completed the final piece for my river this week.

And bought some blue acryl paints for when I tackle it as well... 

I also printed a Giant Vulture for Rangers of Shadow Deep, but by putting it on 200% (I didn`t pay attention to the actual size, just wanted to make it big enough) the heroes are going to face a GIGANTUAN Vulture lol.

The final print of the week is this Viking Hut, excellent for fantasy tables. 

Finally, Dark Realms released another great stl for the Arkenfels Patreon of this month, with a bridge gatehouse that goes in between the bridgesections.

A calm week as such, and now I`m leaving on holidays so next week won't be much busier either :-)

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