
maandag 12 oktober 2020


 Today I`m taking a look back at a Netflix Original series Noshi and me watched recently, the Arthurian legend based fantasy series Cursed.

Now, let's say it's VERY losely based, there is a bloke called Arthur in it and that is about how far it goes in a way.

Okay, that is perhaps a wee bit exaggerated, because Morganna, Gawain, some others and of course Merlin (say hello to Floki) are around as well, but that is about where the connection ends.  

The series tells the tale of how a Fey girl, Nimue, comes into possession of the Sword of the First Kings, a magical weapon whose holder can rule England.  With the Fey being hunted to extinction by the Red Paladins and their Crying Monk (okay, this guy I didn`t like, he is like a bargain store version of Kylo Ren, who was already a bargain store version of Darth Vader).  

She escapes and gathers together the survivors of the genocide, and starts creating a resistance to the Paladins together with some close friends, and her as the Queen of the Fey.  This results in political bickering, as various other factions, like King Pendragon and Cumber the Ice King also vie for the power of the sword, and will go to great lengths to obtain it.

Now, don`t get me wrong, this isn`t a bad series at all, it is just, well, not really vaguely resembling the Arthurian myths (of whatever kind you prefer yours), but it is a good fantasy series to watch over a weekend or so.

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