
vrijdag 20 november 2020

Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul

Technically the third movie in the series, but the first two where recap movies of the series, so this is the first one that continues the series storyline.

After a hiatus of about two years, we move into the next step of Reg, Riko and Nanachi's journey to the bottom of the Abyss, in search of Riko's mother Lyza.

Now, this movie is not for the feint of heart, even if it has that all cute drawing style and such.  Like the later part of the anime series, the story continues in a very hard way.  The children meet with one of the White Whistles, corrupted by the Abyss and experimenting on children to see how to circumvent the Curse.

And he is willing to go the whole way to do so.  Our heroes need to pass through his fortress in order to be able to descent to the next level, and this brings with it a lot of issues and dangers, forcing them to face off against the Cave Raider and his henchmen...

Another rockhard, confrontational part in the story, but even though they succeed, I cannot fathom how they could make a whole new series as the heroes have started the descend to the final level.  My guess will be either 2 or 3 OVA instalments or another theatrical movie like this one.

So let's hope the anime industry can pick up again after the whole Covid affair and tell the rest of the story!

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