
dinsdag 3 november 2020

Star Wars The Clone Wars season 4

Better late then never, I`m slowly going through the various animated series of the Star Wars franchise, and just finished the 4th season of Clone Wars.


Now, I`m not that much a fan of the drawing style, being an anime lover myself, and that is probably what makes it going so slow...

Counting 22 episodes, there are two major "arcs"for my feel in this season, as the story unfolds the further political struggle between the Republic and the Seperatists.  The first half of the season seems to focus mostly on the development of the Clone Troopers themselves, while the second half focusses more on the bounty hunters and scum of the galaxy.

But it also features heavily on the fate of some fallen Sith apprentices, as there is a whole storyline on how Asajj Ventress turns to become a bounty hunter, while the final two episodes of the season detail the return on none other then Darth Maul!

It does show some good development for the later movies, as I picked up a slow and steady change in Anakin, and mostly his fighting style, from fast and flashy to the more calculated style of Vader, especcially in his duel with Dooku... 

It wasn`t to bad a season at all, but well, Star Wars is just something I find okay for watching now and then, and not a must see at all cost franchise... so it might take a while before I actually get to season 5 I guess.

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