
zondag 22 november 2020

The Lion Wall

I can recommend babies to anyone wanting to get their scenery painted up to a tabletop standard!

Recently, I bought a whole set of files from 3D Hexes his webstore, as those are excellent models and print support free!

And the first things I printed, are already 3 of the Lion Wall sections.  Now, with over 20 files (they each come in the set twice, once like this, and once overgrown with vines), I thought them excellent for an Osgiliath table as well as for Dungeons and Dragons or Rangers of Shadow Deep like gaming.

A five colour drybrush later, and they really look great for the table, even when printed on a near stock Ender-3 setting, and supportless makes a big difference in cleaning works for sure.

I have quite some more files of him, and I will definitly be printing those up over time!

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