
vrijdag 11 december 2020

A whole lot of walls

 Well, this certainly was a good printing and painting project...

In order to play the next scenario of Rangers of Shadow Deep, I'd need to make 3 rooms of 18 by 18 inch each, which would take a long time printing all those tiles.

So instead, as it is a lower level of an abandoned tower, I decided to go for wall sections of 10cm each to "line out" the three rooms.  In my story, the tower is already so old the floors have long rotted away and grass has grown inside as a result.

Adding to that, these 40 wall sections (meaning I now have 50 printed and painted) will be exellent for use in other games as well, both fantasy as historical, as they are just that: simple, basic grey stone walls.  

Now to just print up and paint all the needed inside decorations and doors, and I can get my adventurers going in one of the coming weeks!!

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