
dinsdag 12 januari 2021


 Announced as a series for the lovers of Vikings, this german made (but english dubbed) Netflix series tells the tale of the rise of the germanic (aka barbarian according to the Romans) tribes.

And this all culminates to the battle of Teutonburg forest... though no Maximus Aurelius is to be seen in the series ;-)

In this 6 episode series, ze follow the exploits of how the Romans, while at peace with the tribe of the Cheruske after taking the Reik's son as a payment, suddenly start raising taxes again.  The Reik's son, now going by the name of Arminius, returns to Germania as it is overseen by his adoptive father and mentor.

Here he comes into contact again with his childhood friends Thusnelda and Folkwin, and as tensions start to rise because of the seeds of insurgence, he starts plotting together with them to unite the tribes and start rebellion.

When his father commits suicide because of the Romans behaviour and treachery by one of his clansmen, the revolt comes into full action and making use of the appointed Reik, Arminius himself, his skill in Roman warfare, the Roman legions are ambushed in what has become the famous battle, chasing the rulers away from their lands at great costs!

Is it as good a Vikings?  Well, yes.  While you clearly see the lower budget at times due to not being made by a huge corporation like Ragnar's tale, the fact it is a 6 episode series also means the story moves forward at a brisk pace, yet doesn`t feel rushed at all.  

So if you like these sorts of semi-historical series, this one is definitly worth checking out!

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