
donderdag 28 januari 2021

Salvation season 2

 For those that read my review of the first season, I stated that I hoped the series would get on track for it's second season, namely destroying the asteroid hurling towards Earth.

So, as the series did get cancelled after this year, it has a rather open ending, but in the meantime of it's 13 episodes, did they find a way to stop the rock and such...

Bear with me... because we got: a sabotaged hangar plot, a hacker group hijacking a nuclear cluster missile to threaten the world, a vengeful police officer, a presidential assassination, a besieged White House, a domsday suicide cult AND a group of wealthy magnates seemingly running the world from behind the scenes.

So no, the fact all life is threatened by a giant ball on a collision course, it still seems to be only an afterthought in a series build around that premises.  While I still "dig" Cabrera's performance as president Tanz (yup, it goes THAT far), the whole fact that everything gets the overhand on the actual main plotline doesn`t do the series any good at all in my opinion.  Especially since, as it's all compressed in 13 episodes, it get's a rushed and pushed feeling all of the time.

Ow, and that asteroid... wasn`t an asteroid in the end.  But who cares, it has been ignored for the better part of two seasons anyways.

So no, this series has been a flop for me definitly. 

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