
woensdag 9 juni 2021

That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime

 A very popular series at the moment, with the second season currently out, Noshi and me sat down and gave it a go.

And it sure is fun!

The series begins as 37 year old, and virgin, Satoru is stabbed on the street and dies.  He gets reincarnated... as a slime, and soon befriends a dragon that was locked up for already 300 years, gaining a new name, Rimuru.  After learning that he gains skills depending on whom he defeats, he escapes the cavern and becomes... leader of a goblin tribe.
As he progresses building up a society, he meets Shizue, a girl that was foretold would be his destiny.  Possessed by the fire femon Ifrit, whom Rimuru saves her from, she passes on to the next world.  Rimuru absorbs her as her dying wish, allowing him to take on human form now as well, and vowing revenge on the Demon Lord that summoned her into this world decades ago.

But one of his servants, a magi called Lord Gelmud, is roaming the world, naming and evolving monsters he sees promise in for a bit to conquer the forest lands.  When a huge army of Orcs invades, Rimuru needs to gather allies to build a defense against this disaster.  This leads to the formation of the Jura Tempest Federation when the Dwarven King enters in a treaty with them.  

Things take a turn for the bigger, as a Demon lord known as Milim befriends herself to Rimuru, causing the other Demon Lords to take a look the the new nation.  But first, Rimuru needs to finish a promise he made to Shizue...

This truly was an enjoyable series, and we are glad a second one started recently, so we will be checking that out as well.  A comic high fantasy story, Slime is one of those shows you just can enjoy episode after episode without your brain blowing, and cursing if you really need to go to sleep because work awaits the day after.

Recommended!  Now to go and pre-order that fantastic Nendroid of Rimuru and a figure of Milim for Noshi...

1 opmerking:

  1. We’ve been watching this with six year old and she loves it! Whereas season one is all ‘here’s some fun characters tee hee hee’ season 2 has swung into characters getting killed off and potential genocide, which was a bit of a surprise...
