
maandag 22 november 2021

MechaTop Strategy Guide

 A PDF I got together with my Kickstarter bundle, this is a guide on the in and out's the game developpers and playtester's experienced during the games creation.

Presented in a 72 page file, it features some helicopters going in on the assault on the cover.
The book is divided into four sections: the introduction, the types of opponents, the pilots and finally the final considerations.
Starting with The Introduction, we get a view into all kinds of things, ranging from the composition of a team over the special attack abilities to the twist card deck.
All the steps are in the sequence as you would encounter them during a game of MechaTop, making it easy to keep track of what findings could be applied when in a game.  It covers things as how to best deploy, how to use good upgrades, what combination of types might be best suited, ...
Truly a great chapter, and one that provides an awful lot of handy insights, like a good strategy guide should all be about after all.
The Type of Opponent chapter talks about the generic sorts of players usually found in games, and especcially the archetypes suited for MechaTop.  It talks about how to play the role, but also the best strategies to be used when playing that "style" of force / game.  Yeah, I would fall in the Sniper archetype btw, I always prefer bombarding my enemies, and have a unit as "ablative armour" around.

But it also covers all the other types in depth of course,  and the guide takes a look at the most common mecha that where used in playtesting, on how they perform, their strengths, but also how to take them out the most efficient way.

The same goes for the The Pilots section (Nuclear Progeny ofc, because we all want to be New Types) as every aspect of them and their unique skills is looked at.  Mind you, the guide only looks at the basic three types from the rulebook, not the additional pilot types introduced in the Campaign book.

In the Final Considerations, it is just all about that, some things you might want to take in consideration left and right as they don`t specifically fit the above sections.

So that's the Strategy Guide, a good read to give some ideas on tactics and all that can be used in the game.  It's not recommended material to enjoy the game, but it is some great additional material to the source to immerse oneself some bit further in it.

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