
woensdag 17 november 2021

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid episode 14 - Valentine's Special

 Released a while after the regular 13 episode series, this was a special made for Valentine's Day and known as "episode 14" as such.

And it is a nice little fun adventure based of course around Tohru's love and affection for Miss Kobayashi.

She has decided that in order to win her love over, she is going to use a love potion!  But what better way to disguise this then add it to some homemade chocolates she made for the occassion.

But the plan fails, but that doesn't mean there are more opportunities when the dragons go on a trip to the hot springs and revell in the festivities.

So yeah, this was a nice little special, and a good "run up" to the second season that was released this year.

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