
woensdag 17 augustus 2022


 I kind of discovered this series by accident, as Thorin watched the little red panda image on Netflix with great intrest.

So I sat down with him and gave it a look.

Am I glad he only cares about cute images and colours at his age, because this was NOT a children series at all...

Retsuko is like so many company employees in Japan: young, underpaid, and hard working.  The series has all the typical company stereotypes passing by.  The pig for a boss who shouldn`t even be allowed to work there, the know-it-all, the suck up to the boss, the popular girl that doesn`t actually do any work... and then Retsuko, the employee that gets loaded with all the other's workload as well.

But she has one way to channel out her stress.  Every night, she goes to the karaoke bar and in this little sanctuary of hers she sings death metal ventilating the issues of the day.  But as she moves ever more slightly out of her comfort zone, she starts discovering letting others in might not be such a bad idea after all.
So she forms the plan of getting married, and become a housewife that way so she no longer needs to cope with her awfull boss. So she tries to take up yoga lessons, in order to get in a better shape.  :aking friends in the office, this results in some changes taking place for the better.  but not after coming head to head with her boss!

On a singles drink afterwards with collegue's, she connects with a quiet guy from sales at their company.  They go on a date to an amusement park together afterwards.  But even as they go dating, it doesn`t work out and her feelings of rage return as she breaks up with him.

This was a fun first season, and I will definitly be going to watch the other ones as well on Netflix in between more regular anime seasons.  Just be warned, it is great fun, but as I said at the beginning, the style might be misleading as it is totally unsuited for kids, even with it's SanRio-esque style of characters...

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