
zaterdag 8 oktober 2022

On the Painting Desk 215

 After last week's intermezzo of building Caramel, it's time to turn back to Freedom.

And some good progress was made on the kit in the past week.

All the blue has been done now, so only the dark grey has to be done and then we have completed the "main sections" of the model, meaning I can tackle the smaller areas and colours.

But first, let's see if we get that grey done, so check back in the next instalment of On the Painting Desk!

In between, I also began painting Caramel, starting to put a base layer on all the areas that need to end up beige, with Coat D'Arms Dark Sand as first colour.

The other base colours where added as well, but now I need to prepare mentally to tackle my most detested colour... yellow.

How that goes, is something I`ll be able to show in a future update!

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