
dinsdag 3 januari 2023

The Fantasy Anime League fall 2022 result

 So, the 13 weeks of competing have passed, and did I manage to do better then my previous two entries in this competion?

Which shouldn`t be that hard, as I ended respectively "top 97%" and "top 96%" in my previous tries...

Well, I ended at the 19.417th place, good for top 49% this time, and that in a League with about 40k participants.

My progress in the ranks over the course of those 13 weeks..

Week 1: 3249th with 118535 points
Week 2: 10229th with 362646 points 
Week 3: 16086th with 616290 points
Week 4: 10753th with 879316 points
Week 5: 10605th with 1144399 points
Week 6: 11582th with 1340986 points
Week 7: 12472th with 1675340 points
Week 8: 13798th with 1786167 points
Week 9: 15553th with 2018658 points
Week 10: 16160th with 2358034 points
Week 11: 16951th with 2475527 points
Week 12: 17976th with 2749568 points
Week 13: 19417th with 3453468 points

So, having finally figured out how to play the "Ace" game has done wonders for my results, as I ended up WAY higher then in the previous two efforts I undertook in the FAL.  While I consistently dropped over the weeks as Golden kamuy season 4 stayed far below expectations, and the people with Blue Lock / Bocchi the Rock had the winning combo in their team for points, I am especially happy how well Gundam did, even strolling in the top 3 for over half the league in points.

So, not a bad season at all for me, and a HUGE step forward compared to the previous tries, though apart from a slight up in weel 4 I have been consistently slipping down.  Even with a succesful ace in week 12 and the points bonus in week 13.

Might have to look at finetuning that a bit more in the next Spring season it seems!

Geen opmerkingen:

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