
dinsdag 11 april 2023

Cyber Planet 1999 Hyper Rune volume 1 - Tamayo Akiyama

 The first of the manga I'm starting from that big "dribs and drabs" box I got beginning of january, it's time for some sci-fi action!

And we do that with this first volume of a series released back in 1996, so classic art style time it is!
One day, suddenly strange humanoid robots start appearing, apparently out to take over the world.  Rune, who lives with her granddad whose occupation is seemingly "mad scientist", gets magical girl costumes from him all the time.  He belives she is the Space Queen, a mythical person destined to rule the universe, waiting to be re-awakened.  
When she meets up with some of her classmates, a kirby like creature comes to her, which she names Chat, when they are suddenly attacked by some of those humanoids.  But just as sudden they withdraw, as subconscioulsy and through Chat the power of the Space Queen is projected from her.  At their school, under surveillance of a gorgeous twin sister team, the scifi club opens up a portal, allowing the wizard Fractal to come to Earth.
He wants to revive the Emperor Gald, who is hiding in human DNA after a failed invasion a long time ago.  The aliens turn out to be from Planet X, a mysterious planet in our solar system even past Pluto (back then still counted as a planet) who want to create a device to draw the planet close to Earth for invasion.  But some of the humanoids are actually here to protect the Space Queen, and take on human forms to get closer to her. 

But who can she trust?  The twin brothers in her circle of friends?  They seemingly pilot a sort of mecha suit themselves, created by their father.  Rune at the time is being drawn in an event caused by the twin girls, only to be saved by a mysterious woman, who is actually one of the humanoid robots in disguise send out to protect her.  When she finds out that Chat is actually a robot created by her granddad, he tells her about what happened to her father, last seen chasing a garbage truck.

She learns her father went out to look for her mother, who was actually an alien, while Chat is a robot that can transform into a spaceship.  In the meantime, more alien warriors awaken and start causing trouble in the city.  When Rune comes into the crossfire, she suddenly changes into Vena Alpha, a battlesuit her graddad made her, and is joined by another humanoid robot warrior which is actually one of those send to protect her.

At the school though, the twin girls are reforming the school regulations to a dictatorship, supported by the Student Council they control.  And why are there three Space Queen crests?

So this isn`t even a bad series, I will try to collect the other three books as well, but I fear that will have to do more with luck finding volumes then just go shopping, considering it is over 25 years old...

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