
maandag 19 juni 2023

Vikings season 6

 Awright, in an effort to clean up the series I still needed to watch, it's time to have a look at the sixth and final season of this impactfull series.

I enjoyed the previous ones, but for some reason didn't manage to get to the last one, so now I put on Netflix and while painting my Chaos Dwarf force, watched the last dance of Lagertha and some bearded dudes.

This also geve me the chance to watch part 1 and 2 after each other, going through all 20 episodes in one go.
And in this final season, the saga of the Lothbrooks will come to a close, as all of them will be meeting the fate they are destined to.  Ivar and his bodyguards, on the run for his brothers, travel the Silk Road and find themselves suddenly guests of Prince Oleg of the Kievite Rus.  But the prince is an ambitious christian, and first he assassinates his brother, the ruler of the Rus, and takes his young son Igor hostage.  Igor is taught by Ivar though, and Uvar bides his time, convincing Oleg to invade Norway.
In Kattegat, Bjorn receives news Harald has been captured by King Olaf, and against the will of Lagertha travels to aid him.  But it is all a grand plan by King Olaf to make Bjorn Ironside the king of all kings, and he organises an election.  However, Harald has drawn a veil before their eyes, and he gets elected instead.  Bjorn suddenly gets a dread feeling, and upon his return he learns Lagertha has died, killed by his brother Hvitserk in a drunken stupor.  He banishes his brother who travels in pursuit of Ivar to kill him, but instead joins his machinations in Rus.

Prince Oleg has gathered a mighty army, and they travel to Norway, swiftly overwhelming Harald's defences before taking camp before Kattegat.  Bjorn, who has been mortally wounded, rallies the jarls and kings one last time, trashing the Rus army before his gates before dying of his wounds.

Ubbe has been travelling to Iceland, meeting Othere who claims to have seen the Golden Land, and an expedition is mounted.  While they suffer greatly on the way, they manage to make ground after a long journey, meeting the natives of those lands and... finding the missing Floki again.

In Rus, Ivar and Hvisterk take their leave after putting Igor back on the throne, but the drunken behaviour of his countrymen in a now ruled by Harald Kattegat annoys him greatly.  He convinces them to go back to their old raiding ways, and launch a new attack after all those years on Wessex, mightiest of England's kingdoms.  Ivar and the viking army, which he now leads after Harald has fallen in battle, faces of against Alfred and his army, as well as his belief in Christ.

As the armies engage each other, it comes down to both Ivar and Alfred trying to find their Lord as they both sturggle to gain the upper hand.  Hvitserk is nearly struck down, as he is overpowered by the enemy soldiers.  But Ivar steps in, saving him at his own expense as he is stabbed down by an english soldier, as he dies in Hvitserk's arms, next to a burning cross.  Alfred and Hvitserk decide to talk a peace treaty for the future of both their peoples, as he converts to Christianity...

In the Golden Land one of the vikings slays the chieftains son while searching for gold, breaking the trust between the two groups.  As the son is buried in their traditional ways, Ubbe sentences the perpetraitor to the Blood Eagle, with the natives in attendance.  But at the last moment, Ubbe decides to slid his throat like he did with the chieftains son, as he doesn`t want him to enter Walhalla and restore the brittle relationship.
But in conclusion of this season: that last stand of Bjorn Ironside, King of Kings!!!!!!!

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