
zondag 24 september 2023

On the Painting Desk 248

 The clock is ticking!

Only 4 more weeks to go and then these warriors HAVE to be finished, based and varnished, as they will be drafted to march to the field of battle.

So, with work continueing on them as we speak, for now it still looks like I will be able to make it, though with not much leeway.  Hopefully I can get in one or two solid sessions on them, weather and real-life permitting, so that by the end of the month I will be nearing their final layer.

And then it's time to start some other project, while in between expanding on this force to 4500 points.  I did assemble Hexbane, but for starters I might take one of my older warbands out to play.  But the next big project will be painting up a force for AoS using official GW models for some events.
I decided on Kruleboyz, as 1. they have Hobgoblins and 2. with the right trays I can incorporate them into a regular fantasy square based army as extra regiments as well.
But first, more work on those warriors!

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