
dinsdag 14 november 2023

Warhammer The Empire Nuln Mortar

 So, we painted up something else entirely between all that Chaos Dwarf goodness.

I learned that at my time away at the club, 8th edition Warhammer has made a big return.  And while i can easily step in with the Legion of Azorgh, I decided to upgrade my Empire army after decades, albeit as a slow and in between project, just for this.

While my old colourscheme was that of Hochland, I went for an all make-over, and changed it to the Province of Wissenland, with it's very sexy Elector Countess, and the city of Nuln within it's borders.  To that end, while the rank and file regiments will become white and grey in uniform, the artillery compartment, which I tend to favor, will be in the black uniforms of Nuln itself.

The first unit repainted as such is this Mortar.  back in 1994, the old tiny metal mortar was one of my first Empire and Warhammer models, so it only seemed fitting to do that one.

For the wood, I did a lighter grey for the highlights, to give a middleground between the darker grey of the artillerymen, and the lighter grey the regular troops will be sporting.

So that is the first 100 points of the planned remade 2500 points (initially) on the tally.  I hope to have the whole army more or less battle ready near the end of 2024, but as I said before this isn't a priority project at all.   I can easily play with my beloved Dawi'Zharr, and I have an AOS army in the pipeline as well. No stress though for TOW, that I can easily manage with movement tray spacers to roll right in from the word go in february...

And I`ll probably do something with my old Vampire Counts and Wood Elves as well now that the fires of the brush are lit again, but that is VERY long term still...

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