
woensdag 27 december 2023

The Goals of 2023 result

 So, the year has passed, and that means it is time to look at the achieved, or failed, goals.

And it is a bit of a mixed cookie to be honest, as this was an emotional rollercoaster year to be sure.

For one, my father got severly sick from lung cancer, a diagnose he received last year december.  Finally finding peace after a long struggle,

But on the other hand, I picked up on my wargaming again, even playing tournaments this year, the first social outing in that hobby eversince the corona pandemic commenced.  this also meant I finally reclaimed my printer, to be able to print bases and movement trays at full speed.  Heck, once october came, I really threw myself back at it, playing in two tournaments, respectively 9th Age and Underworlds, though the results as expected where not that awesome... yet.  That will grow once I get back to more regular gaming outings, and with a drivers license on the way, I will be able to attend more in the coming years for sure.

But let's have a look now at the planned goals for the year, and I must say I achieved quite some "green" lines this year round.

One I didn`t manage to obtain was having four tattoos worked on / placed.  The cleaning up of the Hagen tattoo will be for the first quarter of 2024 instead, because agenda's, while I didn't find what I wanted at the tattoo conventions I attended, so the search for cool flaming dice continues, so it ended at 2 out of 4 planned, though the second one wasn't actually planned unfortunatly...

The beer goal though, that was blown out of the water, going far over the 50 that I had set myself.  Helped by attending 2 beer festivals and some trips to other regions to find a lot of local beers, I do realise that for future goals of this, it will always be harder to get to 50 new ones, but we keep tasting as we close the year with 184 new discoveries!

The 1/400 Gundam MechaTop models went in two parts: I managed a couple in the beginning of the year, before as I mentioned starting wargaming in earnest again as I build a 9th Age army from april onwards, while near the middle of the year I did more as that said army was nearing completion.  I ended up at 4 out of 10 planned in the end.  One can say that GunPla went the same, falling just short of the goal with three being finished at the very beginning of the year and one at the end, but this resulted in 4 out of the planned 5 completed in the end.

The reading and watching goals all where obtained without to much trouble, the last one, anime, clocking off at it's goal in the beginning of november.  To that end, I read 53 out of the 50 planned books and manga, while I watched 25 out of the 20 planned movies.  Series went very well this year, often watching something while painting, and came as such to 32 out of the planned 20, way more then expected and I still have a backlog to see with Noshi in the evenings.  On an anime front, while 50 seemed a lot (wait for my goal for next year!), I ticked out at the end at 58 out of 50 seen, and the alphabet challenge completed (which counted for 27 of those finished anime series).

Only the struggle aginst the scales went not really according to plan, being still way of the goal of 80 kg at the moment, standing at 92.40 kg's.

But all in all, with 6 out of the planned 10 goals achieved, I call this a more then okay year for certain.  Next week, the goals for 2024 will be posted, and the motivational rat race can start over, which will contain some hefty miniature gaming goals as well after a few years hiatus...

But for now, I`m just going to enjoy the fullfilment of the goals I obtained this year.

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