
donderdag 25 januari 2024

Gridiron Gazette issue 27: Chaos Dwarfs & Khorne

 Another fanzine to enjoy, and albeit a bit of a short one this time round at only 9 pages, Gridiron Gazette is a nice series of Blood Bowl related stuff.

And of course, dealing with Chaos Dwarfs, this meant it immediatly got picked out to have a read.

Published by the NAF fansite for the game of fantasy football by Games Workshop, all issues are still available for download, just click the link above.

The first article deals about Hobgoblin teams, a fluffy article about one of the most incompetent teams around, before moving on to the Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats.  In this background piece, they tackle amongst other the mysterious bans Chaos Dwarf teams suffered at playing Blood Bowl at one time.

It moves on to the crazed Khorne teams after that, and the star players like Scylla, before going into a who's who of the players and teams mentioned in this issue.

So if you fancy a bit of (fanmade) fiction for both teams, this little gazette is worth the download.

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