
dinsdag 2 januari 2024

The 2024 Goals: the year of the Chaos Dwarf

 Life tends to go in circles, and in my case that usually ends up returning painting wargame figures.

And to that end, after the hiatus of Covid-19 and little Thorin throwing agenda's on it's head, it is time to return to the tabletop.

Mind you I never stopped, it was more of a forced break to find footing again on how and when to paint and game, but with the little guy now a bit more on his feet and life returning more or less to a normal rhytm, let's add some painting goals again.

And of course, most will be about Chaos Dwarves, as those who follow this blog know, my beloved Dawi'Zharr have been the mainstay of wargaming career, including the "out of retirement" phase of last year.
And to celebrate it has been 30 years since I bought my first Dawi'Zharr!

I've set myself as such three goals for them this year: paint a 1000 points Warmaster Revolution (the fan-made second edition of this classic game) force, a 15mm force suited for Hordes of the Things (HOTT) of 12 points to start out, and expand my "normal" force with at least 250 models in scale heroic 28mm, meaning I would need to paint at least a regiment of 20 models every month and then some.  Yes, that all is ambitious as it is a lot of models in one go, but that would also mean that the pile-of-shame will be reduced severely... hopefully... as it currently stands already at a mighty 422 models to paint.  
On other paint projects, I want to finish all the Underworlds warbands we have, which is still 8 needing to get painted as I publish this (and might go up actually if I get more bands), and create a 2000 points force for Age of Sigmar of Idoneth Deepkin (currently 180 points painted) to finally get going in that system.  These all for the build-up to 2025, where I will be making a full swing return to competitive gaming!

But these have no high priorities at all, as it will be mostly in the form of birthday gifts and the likes that I will be asking for figures, considering the high tally I have to paint up already.  So I doubt these additional armies will be finished quickly, rather occasionally growing and being purchased, as I have some very high costs at the horizon... which I will revealed in due time.  But what I mean to say, don't expect to many spectacular Haul Reports in the current year.  For example, I`m going to limit my anime figure purchases solely to Lunamaria Hawke figures I still lack in the collection, and don't stray to much outside that.
Of course, the regular mainstays of anime, books, series and movies remain as well, as does the new from last year's beer discovery journey.  But with the whole wargames back in full swing now that I am finally learning to drive and as such can make the displacements to events, I won`t be focussing to hard on my GunPla / PlaMo this year I fear, so I dropped those out of the goals equation for 2024.  
 But in sheer numbers, I aim for a huge 100 anime, and 20 movies and series each, as these are numbers I`m feeling comfy with, and try to discover yet again 50 new beers at least.  
But on the reading part, I`m going to split the numbers three ways this year, to work away some backlog.  I am aiming for 25 manga volumes, 10 books / rulebooks (with for example ToW on the horizon, a lot of stuff will be coming out) and 50 magazines / fanzines as well, I have a lot of older ones I still want to (re)read and blog about.

Another specialised anime challenge though, as I`ll be trying to complete mostly seasons of series I started in the past years and never went for now beyond for example the first season, so for completeness sake I`m going to be aiming at those instead of a letter challenge or a 200+ episode series.  To that end, I drafted a list of 85 anime sidestories, movies, ONA's and OVA's I still need to watch, in addition to the anime I will be viewing through the year, to make up that 100 watched anime's total.
And on a totally different sidenote, in anime collecting I`m aiming to complete my Weiss Schwarz cardseries of Date A Bullet, the expansion series for Date A Life. This will be done with the aid of cardmarket to get either boosters or loose cards, as I still lack quite some cards, though I`m not shelving out 100s of euros for the special signature cards.  But including those, I need 19 cards still to complete the series - foils preferred hehe.

This will be as such a year of big numbers and very lofty goals, and I doubt I will manage to obtain them all.  But never the less, I will be barging in there and aim for the highest!

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