
donderdag 14 maart 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Battlereport: Elathain's Soulraid vs Grinkrak's Looncourt

 Yesterday evening I went to the Antwerp player group weekly gathering in Outpost Gamecenters, in an attempt to get some better piloting in for my Soulraid.

Because the tournament where I will be using them is now less then a month away, and I only have so far a single game under the belt with the concotion I brewed from their Rivals deck together with the Force of Frost one.

Facing me where Grinkrak's Looncourt, using their Rivals deck, and with Wouter at the steering wheel.  I never faced this horde of questing gitz, so let's see how we fare against such an overwhelming number of opponents.  His band has a lot more wounds going round on the board, and with myself not having high damage dealers, I hoped that every attack would count.

Setting up the boards, I deployed to mostly one side with the plan being to work through the little guys from one side to the other.  A plan that would quickly stall though...

I started off with Fuirann immediatly charging Pointy Burk, but the little Git dodged critically.  She was in turn charged by Grib, Da Wonkly Lance and immediatly put down.  Not a great start at all.  Surely she is the most expected to die soon model in the warband, but this was really fast...

Spinefin appeared in the middle of his warband, as Duinclaw, injured already by his catapult, wounded Grinkrak himself.  

With Elathain stuck against Grib, who also dodged critically, Tammael threw his harpoon and took down the opposing leader.  Moments later, a "ping damage" power card brought down Duinclaw, and the first round ended with two of mine out of action versus only a single git, and a 3-3 score on the board.

Inspired now, the Idoneth tried to go for the score, but the next to fall to Da Wobly Lance was Tammael.  This squig riding knight was turning out to become a serious issue!  

Luckily Ealthain made short work now of Burk, resulting in Tammael returning from the dead.  Finally, the little knight was brought down due to a harpoon to the belly though, as Elathain in the meantime had become a large fighter who takes one less damage thanks to upgrade cards.

The balance in numbers down was as such restored for a bit, but the Soulraid was trailing 8 to 7 now on the crusading gitz...

Even though I assaulted his power deck with Fury of the Storm in the third round, Tammael was killed (again) by Skolko and Pronk, the catapult causing serious havoc against my low wound warriors.  
Luckily Elathain took down another of the smaller gitz with Snorbo da Spore, and the thrall returned once again.

I had to do some serious thinking now, with Tammael quickly dispatching Pokin' Snark, but I needed to score my objectives to try and pull off a win.  I passed an activation to discard Break the Ice, and got Frozen Fate in return, so it might still be doable.

Using my last activation, as I went second in the final turn, I ran Tammael next to Pokin' Snark, allowing me to score said Frozen Fate in the end phase, as well as Dead or Doomed for three juicy points.

This all tallied up in the end for a 14-11 victory for the Soulraid, something I never expected after how horrible turn 1 went... but thanks to Tammeal's return mechanic (he came back twice after being killed) I actually outnumbered the Gitz at the end.

A close fought game, I did decide to change some things in my deck afterwards.  Break the Ice went out due to the low reliabilty of both getting it, and doing that first damage with my low defences.  Instead I have taken Smothered Memories, as with three milling cards in the deck I should be able to score this forcing my opponent to discard.  I also took out the four upgrades revolving around gathering Ice tokens, as this is to circumstantial to get some extra defences on one of two models, instead opting to take cards from Elathain's own Rivals deck, like Lurelight (more card discarding!).

Okay, so it has morphed from a mixed deck now to a Rivals deck smoothed out with a little Force of Frost, but I hope to get back next week and try that out then.

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