
woensdag 17 april 2024

Den Teerling 12 - march 2024

 One of this year's goals is to read up on 50+ fanzines, clubmagazines, etc etc just because I love that sort of thing.

And this instalment, I'm looking over the march edition of the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp clubmagazine, Den teerling (which is flemish dialect for The Die).
This little gazette has a page count of 6 pages, and can be picked up at the clubhouse during gaming moments.  The main article in this issue is a satirical look at Napoleon Bonaparte, spurred by the, let's be polite here, not-so-great-or-accurate Ridley Scott movie.
The whole article fills up three pages of the gazette, and you are certainly in for some gniffling as the writer has a very light hearted style.

The second main article is a boardgame review.  Starship Captains is based on the adventures of the lower decks crew of the USS Cerritos, from the animated Star Trek series Lower Decks.  But the subtitle of the game, Don't Mention the Franchise, does of course betray the fact it is heavily based but not officially licensed.
The final thingies in this issue is an advertisement for the club BBQ in august, a puzzle and a comic.  
A nice little instalment of the gazette, and I had some good sniggers reading through it.

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